NEADS Winnipeg Skills for Student Success forum on October 18th, 2013
For Immediate Release -
(Winnipeg, May 29, 2013) – The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is proud to announce that it will be holding a Skills for Student Success event in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Friday, October 18th. This day long conference for students with disabilities in Manitoba has been made possible thanks to generous funding from the Winnipeg Foundation.
The overall vision of this forum, which will take place at the Ramada Viscount Gort Hotel, is to provide post-secondary students with disabilities with the information and tools that they need to self-advocate in college and university education. Participants will learn how to most effectively utilize available campus services and inevitably contribute to the fabric of campus life academically as successful students and as student leaders at their colleges and universities. The event will feature workshops on networking, technology, disability supports, academic accommodations and other important considerations for post-secondary access. There will also be presentations on the transition from school to work addressing areas including disclosure, marketing your skills, workplace accommodations and your rights in the employment market.
This event will also be of great benefit to high school students with disabilities transitioning into higher education. We are pleased to organize the Winnipeg Skills for Student Success forum in collaboration with provincial efforts to celebrate October, Manitoba Disability Employment Awareness Month. Manitoba Education is providing additional funding to cover the cost of sign language interpretation. The event will feature opening remarks by the Honourable Erin Selby, Minister of Advanced Education and Literacy.
We are pleased that the Vision Impaired Resource Network will be holding its annual "Information Stations" Resources for People with Disabilities – 5th Anniversary Trade Show in an adjoining room to our Skills for Student Leadership event so that participants in the NEADS event can also benefit from the VIRN Trade Show and learn about adaptive technologies and services.
Tim McIsaac, NEADS Manitoba Director and Vice-Chair had this to say about the Winnipeg Skills for Student Success event: “It is exciting for us to have this opportunity to organize a first rate learning experience for students with disabilities in the province. This promises to be a very informative day for all participants.”
Doris Koop, Executive Director of VIRN added her support for the day: “I am very excited to work with NEADS on this forum. It will provide students with disabilities the opportunity to network, get valuable information and a chance to check out the tools and technology that are available. We want to help build their confidence to be independent and to lead fully inclusive and productive lives.”
An accessible online registration system for our Winnipeg Skills for Student Leadership event along with an agenda is now available: Speakers will be added to the agenda by mid-September.
Frank Smith, National Coordinator
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
Rm. 426 Unicentre, Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6 tel. (613) 380-8065 ext. 201
"Supporting access to post-secondary education and employment for students with disabilities"