Dalhousie University Student Union Council accepting applications for Students With Disabilities Community Representative
Open Council Positions
Interested in getting involved in the Dalhousie Student Union Council - the highest governing body of the DSU?
There are 2 open positions on Council as of November 1st, 2019 - due to difficulties in forming a full Elections commitee there will be no by-election during the Fall semester. Rather, the Oversight Committee of Council has put forward a timeline to facilitate the appointment process through council - outlined in Bylaw 4.6(e) & 4.6(f).
What does this process look like?
This timeline and process has been confirmed as of Council, November 6th, 2019 as proposed by the Oversight Committee.
These two remaining positions have had their timelines extended as of November 20th, 2019.
How to apply?
Any interested candidates should attend the upcoming Council meeting on December 4th, 2019 at 6pm until 9pm.
Candidates should anticipate 5 minutes maximum to present, and a 5 minute period open to questions from members of Council.
This process may be subject to change based on decisions of time constraints during the meeting.
Appointments will be made officially at Council on December 4th, 2019.
Drop-ins are welcome!
Open Positions
More detailed information on Council positions and Executive positions is available here, in Bylaws 4 and 5.
Students with Disabilities Community Rep
Must be a Dalhousie student, registered in part-time or full-time study.
Must not already hold a position on Council.
Must not be an employee of the DSU, with the exception of part-time positions at DSU-owned businesses (Grawood/T-Room) or DSU-operated services (Campus, Info Desk, etc).
Must be a member of this community constituency group.
Act honestly and in good faith, with view to the best interests of the Union;
Use reasonable efforts to advance the insterests of the constituency they represent;
Act as a liason between their constituency and Council;
Sit on at least one Union committee;
Attend all meetings of Council and any committees to which they are appointed;
Attend all DSU general meetings;
Attend all meetings of any Society or University bodies on which they sit; and
Carry out other duties as Council may determine.
Women Students Community Rep
Must be a Dalhousie student, registered in part-time or full-time study.
Must not already hold a position on Council.
Must not be an employee of the DSU, with the exception of part-time positions at DSU-owned businesses (Grawood/T-Room) or DSU-operated services (Campus, Info Desk, etc).
Must be a member of this community constituency group.
Act honestly and in good faith, with view to the best interests of the Union;
Use reasonable efforts to advance the insterests of the constituency they represent;
Act as a liason between their constituency and Council;
Sit on at least one Union committee;
Attend all meetings of Council and any committees to which they are appointed;
Attend all DSU general meetings;
Attend all meetings of any Society or University bodies on which they sit; and
Carry out other duties as Council may determine.
Source: Dalhousie Student Union: