Faculty Awareness and Training in the Post-Secondary Community: An Annotated Bibliography
Fanshawe College
London, OntarioFaculty Guide: Instructing Students with Learning Disabilities
BookletThe Faculty Guide for instructors is part of a millennium project funded by the Learning Opportunities Task Force. This excellent guide is of great assistance to teachers instructing students with learning disabilities.
The guide is divided into five major sections. The first unit provides definitions and insights into understanding learning disabilities. The second unit explains the process of learning, and identifies the cognitive areas where learning breakdowns occur. Suggested strategies for the classroom in relation to persons with learning disabilities are presented in the third section. The fourth section discusses facilitating student-directed learning strategies. The fifth section provides a selection of technological resources on the Internet, a bibliography of related publications, and lists community associations who work with students with learning disabilities.
This incredibly informative guide is 67 pages in length. Authors Lana Rossi and
Elizabeth Skirving, collaborated with a number of people on this millennium project.
"The Millennium Project: Enhanced Services For Students with Learning Disabilities"
FlyerThis flyer is an overview of services available to students with learning disabilities through the Millennium Project.
"The Millennium Project: Enhanced Services for Students with Learning Disabilities"
BrochureThis brochure explains the following services offered through the Millennium Project:
- Transition Counseling
- Individual Assessment
- Individual Learning Strategies
- Technological Assistance
- Individual Tutoring and Mentoring
- Adapted English and Communications Courses
- Exam Accommodations
- Note-taking Assistance
Frank Walsh
Manager, Millennium Centre
Fanshawe College
1460 Oxford St. East
P.O. Box 7005
London, Ontario
N5Y 5R6
Phone: 519-452-4244 ext. 4779
TTY: 519-453-8617
Fax: 519-451-8192
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