Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in College and University-Sponsored Activities
The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is launching a groundbreaking project that will examine how accessible college and university extra-curricular activities are for students with disabilities.
Funded by the Government of Canada through the Social Development Partnerships Program, this initiative is called "Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in College and University-Sponsored Activities.” Areas of focus include new student orientation, student elections, and campus clubs/organizations.
The project will seek the perspectives of both staff and students responsible for organizing and/or supporting out-of-class activities. Students with disabilities will also be surveyed on their experiences in accessing these activities.
At the end of the project NEADS will produce a ‘current state’ report which will highlight best practices and identify opportunities for improvement. We will also produce training material targeted at individuals involved in organizing and/or supporting extracurricular activities on campus who desire to make them inclusive for everyone.
For more information contact Chris Gaulin, Project Manager, at
Since 1986, the National Educational Association of Disabled Students has been Canada's consumer-based cross-disability organization advocating for full access to post-secondary education and employment opportunities for students and graduates with disabilities. Visit our web site at to learn more about the organization and its projects.
Making Extra-Curricular Activities Inclusive: An accessibility guide for campus programmers