Making Extra-Curricular Activities Inclusive

Clubs and Associations

“Generally when meeting rooms are requested groups are put on the first floor of the campus, which is quite accessible.”
- Student
College, British Columbia

University clubs and associations must be open to all students on campus. There are many issues regarding students with disabilities being part of a club or association that must be considered.

Some questions you should consider are:

  • Does your campus have rules stating that all clubs and associations must be available to all students?
  • Will students with mobility disabilities have difficulty getting in and around club/association spaces?
  • Can students with visual impairments and students with learning disabilities gain access to written material as easily as their non-disabled peers?
  • Is additional funding available to ensure all students have access to clubs and associations?

These issues as well as others should be addressed with regard to clubs and associations. Most post-secondary institutions have policies or rules stating that all clubs must be open to all students, and this should include students with disabilities. Some accommodations may be required for students with disabilities to fully participate in clubs and associations.

Wheelchair users must be able to get into the building where the clubs’ and associations’ offices are located, as well as in and out of the offices themselves. It is also a good idea to provide any written materials in alternate formats for visually impaired students and individuals with learning disabilities. Alternate formats include large print, Braille, or electronic text on disk/CD.

In order to meet the needs of all students, including those with disabilities, it may be necessary to set aside some additional funding to make these accommodations possible. Consider making accommodation of students with disabilities part of club budgets and a criterion for approval of funding.

Practical Tips

  • Provide sign language interpretation
  • Provide alternate format materials
  • Make accessibility a criterion for approval of funding
  • Ensure that club/association spaces are accessible for all students, including ramps, elevators, accessible seating, and washrooms
