Enhancing Accessibility in Post-Secondary Education Institutions
Academic Accommodation Resources
The resources below are best practice examples of academic accommodation programs and processes that have been successful in assisting students with disabilities within PSE.
College/University Resources
- The Laptops for Learners program is a pilot project at Trent University, intended to increase volunteer participation in the note taking program and increase the quality and accessibility of notes being submitted. http://www.trentu.ca/disabilityservices/volunteerzone_L4L.php
- The University of Alberta’s Specialize Support and Disability Services (SSDS) offers a number of services for students with disabilities.
- SSDS has established a strong working relationship with faculties to provide supports for students’ success field and practicum placements. Available accommodations could include a field mentor knowledgeable about disability issues, use of alternate formats or adaptive technology, individualized work schedule, alternate location or project, etc.
- SSDS can offer Interpreting Services for deaf and hard of hearing students and will help students acquire funding for the services.
- Students may access the services of the Academic Strategist through a referral from their Student Advisor.
- Real-time Transcribing (captioning) Services (CART) can be arranged for lectures, labs and seminars as well as for practicums, work placement, and campus activities and events, if sufficient notice is given.
- Note Taking Services are available through SSDS. Students requiring this service must fill out a "Request for Volunteer Note Takers" form and attend an orientation.
- Faculties will take disability issues into consideration when determining whether a reduced course load is feasible. Students can discuss with a Student Advisor at SSDS the advantages and disadvantages of studying at various course loads.
To find out more about these services visit the SSDS website at http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/SSDS/
- The University of Victoria have Visual Language Interpreters to ensure that course content is fully accessible to all students. http://rcsd.uvic.ca/services/visual-language.html
- The Resource Centre for Students with a Disability at the University of Victoria have f learning assistance services available on campus for students whose learning is affected by their disability. http://rcsd.uvic.ca/services/learning-assistance.html
- Learning Skills Services at York University offers workshops on basic academic skills such as Academic Anxiety, Learning Style and Study Strategies, Exam Prep for University Tests and Exams, etc. http://www.yorku.ca/cds/lss/workshops.html
- Trent University offers a unique Academic Coaching program. Coaches provide an ongoing partnership to help students produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. The focus is on academic performance and quality of life. http://www.trentu.ca/learninginnovations/academiccoaching/unit_11.php
Trent University also offers workshops on academic coaching is and how it is different from services such as counseling or tutoring. http://www.trentu.ca/learninginnovations/academiccoaching/overview.php
- York University Learning Disability Services has a Tutoring Program that focuses on developmental language skills. The objective is to assist students with learning disabilities (LD) to develop the academic and critical language skills required to be successful at the university level. http://www.yorku.ca/cds/lds/tutoring/
- College of the North Atlantic offers a Peer Tutoring Program which is a free service to college students. Students who are experiencing difficulty in a subject area are paired with a student who has been approved to tutor in that area. In some instances, instructors will identify students who would benefit from peer tutoring. http://www.cna.nl.ca/disability-services/transition-to-college/further-info/default.asp#Peer_tutor
- The Disabilities Information website at Nova Scotia Community College provides information on many different types of disabilities including student traits, effects on learning and common accommodations. http://www.disabilityservices.nscc.ca/en/home/disabilitiesinformation/
External Resources
- The youth2youth website, hosted by the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada, offers information for students on topics such as being your own advocate, accessing supports, assistive technology, study skills and living/social skills. It provides a place to ask questions, share personal stories, and watch inspirational videos. http://www.youth2youth.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=59