Enhancing Accessibility in Post-Secondary Education Institutions
Financial Support Resources
This section contains resources and references derived from colleges/universities and disability organizations on financial support options for students with disabilities within PSE institutions.
College/University Resources
- The Dalhousie Student Union at Dalhousie University has a Student Accessibility Fund committee (SAFC) which works to create an open and accessible campus for all students. The SAFC allocates two $1000 bursaries each year which are open to all Dalhousie students with accessibility issues. To learn more visit http://www.dsu.ca/files/file/application%20form%202011%20%281%29.pdf
- Students with permanent disabilities at Sheridan College may be eligible to have tuition fees reduced for the final courses needed to complete their program. http://www.sheridancollege.ca/services/student%20learning%20services/~/media/WF_02_SS_Disability_021/tuitionfeepolicyforstudentswithpermanentdisabilities2007_000.ashx
- Students with disabilities at Ryerson University who have a reduced course load as an accommodation may be eligible for a tuition rebate. Information on this and other financial resources are available on the Access Centre’s Financial Assistance website http://www.ryerson.ca/studentservices/accesscentre/financialassistance
- The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) Accessibility Fund helps remove barriers to participation in Student Society activities for students with disabilities. This fund is used to increase accessibility at SFSS activities. http://students.sfu.ca/disabilityaccess/resources/sfssfund.html
- Simon Fraser University offers a Work Study Program, which provides part-time, on-campus jobs to help students earn money while getting career related experience. http://students.sfu.ca/financialaid/workstudy/students.html
- The University of Calgary provides a summary table of all financial awards for students with disabilities. http://www.ucalgary.ca/drc/node/58
- Nova Scotia Community College has a comprehensive website for funding options for students with disabilities. It provides information and resources on loans, grants, scholarships, and community partners. http://www.disabilityservices.nscc.ca/en/home/helpwithfunding/
- Student Financial Services at York also provides one hour workshops on Financial Assistance for Students with Disabilities. http://sfs.yorku.ca/advising/events/#disability
- HEC Montreal has put in place an extensive financial aid program for students with disabilities. http://www.afe.gouv.qc.ca/en/autresProgrammes/allocationsBesoinsAdultes.asp
External Resources
- CanLearn is an online post-secondary education resource that provides Canadians with the information and services they need to decide what and where to study and how to cover the costs. http://www.canlearn.ca/
- The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) Has a comprehensive financial aid portal: http://www.disabilityawards.ca/
- “StudentAid BC” online provides funding information for Post-Secondary Students with Permanent Disabilities. http://www.aved.gov.bc.ca/studentaidbc/
- Alberta Learning Information Services provides an information handout on student funding information for students with a permanent disability. http://alis.alberta.ca/pdf/disabilities/informationsheet.pdf