Enhancing Accessibility in Post-Secondary Education Institutions

Training for Faculty and Staff Resources

This section contains a variety of examples and resources on the different ways PSE institutions can provide training and development opportunities for faculty and staff so that they are better prepared to assist students with disabilities.

Guides and Publications

The following resources are examples of guides and publications that have been developed for faculty and staff members at PSE institutions to educate and train them on a variety of disability issues.

College/University Resources

Training/Information Sessions

The following are resources and examples of training/information sessions or events that are used to assist PSE faculty and staff better assist students with disabilities and understand their needs.

College/University Resources

External Resources

Training Programs
  • Mental Health First Aid http://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.ca/EN/Pages/
  • LivingWorks is a suicide intervention training company that works across North American to prevent suicides and make safer communities. They have been working in the field for over 25 years designing, developing and delivering programs. Their standardized programs can be tailored to any community. They also train local trainers to conduct the programs.

    LivingWorks offers an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) program to help prevent immediate suicide risk as well as a SafeTalk program which helps to identify persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to suicide first aid resources. Both programs are also available for trainers. Find more at http://www.livingworks.net/.

International Training Programs
  • Project DO-IT at the University of Washington is a program that offers professional development, training materials and resources to that can be offered to faculty and administrators of any campus. For more information on the program see their website at http://www.washington.edu/doit/
  • In addition, short handouts, videos, and comprehensive train-the-trainer materials were created for use at postsecondary institutions across the USA. All of these materials can be found in The Faculty Room at http://www.washington.edu/doit/Faculty/
International Conferences

Online Resources

Below are resources and examples of online training and information resources for faculty and staff members at PSE institutions to educate them on a variety of disability issues.

College/University Resources

External Resources

Other Resources

The following are examples of unique programs, services and resources that are being utilized to promote awareness and educate faculty and staff members on disability issues within PSE institutions.

College/University Resources

  • Memorial University created the Blundon Award in 1992, which is presented to an individual who has gone “above and beyond” their normal duties to create a more accessible learning environment for students with disabilities at the university. For more information see http://www.mun.ca/blundon/about/award.php

External Resources

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