Financial Aid Directory
National Union of Public and General Employees - Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship
The Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship is open to all students with disabilities who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post-secondary education institution full-time and who are the children of, or foster children of, a member of the National Union of Public and General Employees.
It will be awarded for the best 750-1,000 word essay on: The importance of quality public services in enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities. The amount of the award is $1,500 and the application deadline is June 30th.
For further information and/or application forms, contact: Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship, National Union of Public and General Employees, 15 Auriga Drive, Nepean, Ontario, K2E 1B7, Tel: 613-228-9800, Fax: 613-228-9801, Email:, Web site: