Financial Aid Directory
Regional - Atlantic Provinces
Donald E. Curren Scholarship
The scholarship is open to students with mobility impairments who have been accepted
by a university in the Atlantic Provinces. Preference is given to applicants who
are paraplegic or quadriplegic. The award is based on academic standing and other
criteria as determined by the Selection Committee. Recipients must be Canadian citizens
or landed immigrants and reside in the Atlantic Provinces. The deadline for
receipt of the applications is July 31st of each year. For more information, contact:
Donald E. Curren Scholarship Fund, c/o Canadian Paraplegic Asociation (Nova Scotia),
Suite S21 West End Mall, 6960 Mumford Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 4P1. Toll-Free 1-800-889-1889.
F.J.L. Woodcock/Sir Arthur Pearson Association of War Blinded Scholarship Fund
Blind and visually impaired students graduating from grade 8 and from secondary
school who are continuing their education may be considered as candidates. Students
should be academically motivated with a reasonable level of achievement. A
scholarship of $400 will be awarded to one secondary school graduate from the following
Atlantic provinces and schools: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Island, New Brunswick and Sir Frederick Fraser School. Deadline for applications is
April 25th. For more information, contact: F.J.L. Woodcock/Sir Arthur Pearson Association
of War Blinded Scholarship, c/o Mr. Roy Reynolds, President, SAPA Maritime
Branch, 3 Heritage Gardens, Saint John, N.B., E2M 5R7, Tel: (506) 674-2232.
Interprovincial School Development Association Scholarships/Awards/ Grants
The Interprovincial School Development Association was formed by the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority Resource Centre for the Hearing Impaired formerly the Interprovincial School for the Deaf. The Development Association is a registered charitable organization. All monies raised and accepted by the Association are used to provide and extend recreational, cultural and educational opportunities, activities and experiences for children who are deaf or hard of hearing up to the age of twenty-one years. Funds are used for:
- Scholarships to provide incentives for: a) post-secondary training of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing; and b) post-secondary training of professionals working with or preparing to work with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Graduation awards and prizes to provide incentives for students who are deaf or hard of hearing in current APSEA programs.
- Grants to support recreational, social and cultural activities such as, and not limited to, pupil exchanges, summer camps, student conferences/seminars/meetings, and sports.
- Grants to support research towards the development of techniques that would improve the learning of students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The deadline for submitting applications is May 1st for students who are deaf or hard
of hearing, and October 1st for professionals. For more information, contact: Interprovincial
School Development Association, Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority
(APSEA), Resource Centre for the Hearing Impaired, 5940 South Street, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, B3H 1S6, Tel: (902) 424-8500, Fax: (902) 424-0543.
Lloyd Little Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is open to: (a) any New Brunswick student who has Spina Bifida and/
or hydrocephalus graduating in the current year, and (b) any New Brunswick student
graduating in the current year who plans to study in fields beneficial to Spina Bifida
and Hydrocephalus Association members, such as medical, occupational therapy,
physiotherapy, etc. The amount of the scholarship is $200. The deadline for applications
is May 1st. For more information, contact: Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Association
of New Brunswick, 1325 Mountain Road, Moncton, N.B., E1C 2T9, Tel: (506) 857-9947, Fax: (506) 857-9432.
New Brunswick Kidney Foundation Bursary Awards Program
The bursary program is designed to assist New Brunswick kidney patients (dialysis,
transplant or those who have been diagnosed with chronic renal disease), or the
spouse of a kidney patient, or the dependant child of a kidney patient, to further
their education and/or training in an accredited post-secondary program. Five awards
of $500 each will be made available. The deadline for applications is mid-July. Applications
are available through the branch office. For more information: The Kidney
Foundation of Canada, New Brunswick Branch, 65 Brunswick Street, Suite 101,
Fredericton, N.B., E3B 1G5, Tel: (506) 453-0533, Fax: (506) 454-3639,
Rotary Club of Fredericton Memorial Scholarship
The Rotary Club of Fredericton awards the Memorial Scholarship to: a student with a
physical disability of any age trying to further his/her education, or to a person who
has worked or is working with persons with physical disabilities and wishes to upgrade
his/her professional skills through education. Also eligible are those who are
planning to work with persons with physical disabilities as a future career. The number
and value of awards vary. The deadline for applications is May 31st and awards are
announced in August. In selecting candidates, preference will be given to applications
from the Fredericton area.
S.R. Hussey Memorial Fund
This fund is able to provide a limited amount of assistance to residents of Atlantic Canada who meet one of the following conditions:
- People who are legally blind for the pursuit of studies or training and the purchase of necessary equipment.
- People who are legally blind for the purchase of equipment or other services to be used in their employment.
To be considered for a grant, an application must be submitted prior to May 1st of
any given year. Forms may be obtained from any office of the C.N.I.B. Grants made
have typically ranged from $100 to $800, depending on the perceived needs of the
applicant and the funds available. For more information, contact: S.R. Hussey Memorial
Fund, c/o APSEA, 5940 South Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 1S6, Tel: (902) 424-8500, Fax: (902) 424-0543.
Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick Scholarship Foundation
The Aliant Pioneer Volunteers Chapter 51 (New Brunswick) is a volunteer-based community-service organization whose members are active and retired employees of Bell Aliant. Our main objective is to "answer the call of those in need." The Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick (APNB) Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was formed in 1992 specifically to help young New Brunswickers who are physically or mentally challenged pursue post-secondary education. The foundation accomplishes this by providing scholarships, which are funded through tax-deductible donations, memorials and bequests.
The APNB Scholarship Foundation offers annual, renewable* scholarships to people who are physically or mentally challenged. Each applicant is assessed on his/her academic ability, community and school participation, plans for continued education, long-term goals, and the need for financial assistance.
For 2009, the value of each scholarship will be $2000, or the total cost of tuition and books if a recipient is entering a program that has an annual cost of less than $2000.
Aliant Pioneers of New Brunswick Foundation Inc.
(Attention Lourdes Clancy BS5)
P.O. Box 1430
Saint John NB, E2L 4K2
Telephone: (506) 694-2271
Web site:
Wanderer's Trust Scholarship
This scholarship is available to students who have sustained a spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia. The recipient must be accepted by a university or institution of higher learning in the Atlantic Provinces and be involved in an organized sport or related activity, which involves direct participation, coaching, officiating, or other such activity. Successful candidates must maintain at least a "C" average and have lived in any one of the Atlantic Provinces for five years before applying. The scholarship will also be awarded on merit and on any such other criteria as the Selection Committee may determine. Closing date for applications is July 31st of each year. For more information, contact: Wanderer's Trust Scholarship Fund, c/o Canadian Paraplegic Asociation (Nova Scotia), Suite S21 West End Mall, 6960 Mumford Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3L 4P1. Toll-Free 1-800-889-1889. E-mail: Website: