Financial Aid Directory
Regional - Quebec
AQEIPS Bursary Program
The Quebec Association of Postsecondary Students with Disabilities (Association québécoise des étudiants ayant des incapacités au postsecondaire - AQEIPS) awards at least five (5) bursaries in the amount of at least $500 each to students with disabilities. With this program, AQEIPS seeks to achieve three (3) main objectives:
- To encourage persons with disabilities to pursue postsecondary education;
- To encourage students with disabilities to defend their rights and to support their social participation;
- To help students with disabilities defray additional expenses related to their functional limitations.
Categories of Bursaries:
- Students pursuing a Diploma of Professional Studies (DEP)
- Students enrolled in Pre-University College Program
- Students enrolled in Technical College Program
- Students enrolled in University Undergraduate Program
- Students enrolled in University Graduate Program
NOTE: A minimum of one (1) bursary will be awarded in each category that received at least one (1) candidacy.
- Be an active member of AQEIPS (membership fee is $5.00/year and can be sent with the application);
- Have successfully completed at least one (1) course at a Quebec postsecondary educational institution recognized by the Quebec Ministry of Education (MELS) during the Fall 2008 session;
- Have a permanent disability, as certified by a doctor or advisor at the educational institution;
- Provide all of the support documents listed in the Appendix.
- All files must be received at the AQEIPS office by February 28th 2009. The date from the post office appearing on the envelope will be honoured.
- Students who have received a bursary from AQEIPS in the past are not eligible unless they are applying in a new category.
- Current AQEIPS board members and employees are not eligible.
Selection Criteria:
- Financial considerations :
- The student’s or his/her parents’ overall financial situation (including debt);
- The extent of additional expenses related to their special needs (technical aids not provided, transportation costs, human resources, etc.);
- Planned use of the bursary (Note: travel and social activities made possible by the bursary are valorized).
- Personal considerations :
- The student’s motivation to pursue his/her education;
- Steps taken to pursue education;
- Goals and career plans;
- Community involvement;
- Acceptance of the disability and the obstacles it entails, and motivation to overcome them.
- Quality of the applicant’s file :
- The content quality (originality and any other relevant information);
- General presentation (format, content of the cover letter, etc.).
Please send your application along with all supporting documents to:
AQEIPS Bursary Committee
425 Sherbrooke Street East, Suite 06
Montreal, Quebec H2L 1J9
Telephone: (514) 499-9451
Loto-Québec Scholarship and Summer Internship Program for Students with Physical or Sensory Disabilities
Program Objectives
To encourage young students living with a physical or sensory disability to pursue college level studies and to permit them to acquire valuable work experience within a field related to their studies.
Program Description
Two $1,000 scholarships and two 12-week summer internships are being offered by Loto-Québec to two college-level students.
Conditions for Admissibility
- Candidates must be certified to be suffering from a physical or sensory disability by a registered health professional.
- Candidates must be legally authorized to work in Canada and reside in Quebec.
- Candidates must pursue college level studies in Quebec and be registered in a specialized undergraduate or graduate program related to the activities of Loto-Québec (ie., Administration, Economics, Computer Science, Industrial Relations, Marketing, etc.)
Program Administration
The scholarships and Summer Internships are administered by Loto-Québec. The final candidate selection will be made by a jury composed of representatives from the OPHQ and Loto-Québec. The final decision will be based on the overall quality of the candidate's file.
Program Registration Process
Registration forms may be obtained from the Student Services Department at Quebec college institutions, and from specific provincial associations.
The registration form must be accompanied by the following documents:
- An official transcript of grades (including class averages and bearing the college seal) for the last two years of studies.
- A letter of recommendation from a professor or an employer who has known the candidate for at least one year (Loto-Québec form)
- A letter from the Registrar certifying that the student is duly enrolled for the current year.
- A medical certificate (Loto-Québe form)
- A curriculum vitae
Accès Plus Program
Human Resources Corporate Vice Presidency
500 Sherbrooke Street West
19th Floor
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 3G6
Quebec Federation for the Blind Inc.
Bursary Eligibility
This bursary is open to applicatns who are:
- Quebec Resident
- Registered blind person or child of a registered parent or parents.
- Student entering or enrolled in CEGEP, University or Post-Graduate Institution.
Basis of Award
- Preference will be given to members of the Quebec Federation of the Blind Inc.
- The awarding of this bursary will be based on scholastic ability and financial needs.
- This bursary is to be granted on a one year basis.
- The maximum amount to be awarded per student in any one-year is not to exceed $1,000.00.
- The bursary Committee reserves the right to withhold awards for any one-year if there are no suitable applicants for assistance.
All applications must be sent no later May 31 to: Quebec Federation for the Blind Inc., 7000 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec, H4B 1R3, Tel. (514) 484-9232.