Financial Aid Directory
Memorial University - St. John's, Newfoundland
The Glenn Roy Blundon Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in
memory of the late Glenn Roy Blundon,
a former student at Memorial University
with a severe physical disability who succeeded
in his studies and made a significant
contribution to student life at the
university. In awarding this funding, preference
will be given to a student with a
disability who is academically qualified;
secondarily the award will be granted to
any student enrolled in the Special Education
Programme if a candidate with a
disability does not apply. The Senate
Committee on Scholarships reviews all
applications and makes a decision regarding
the recipients.
Value: $500
The Key Tag Scholarships
The Newfoundland Branch of the War
Amputees of Canada donates up to three
scholarships, each year as the Key Tag
Scholarships. The Senate Committee on
Scholarships at Memorial presents these
scholarships to amputee students in any
year or any field of study. Other students
with physical disabilities are considered
in the event that no amputee students
apply in a given year. Financial need, initiative
and scholarship achievement are
Value: $500
James Walsh Memorial Bursary
This bursary is open to students with disabilities studying in a Business program.
Value: $500
Ruth North
Student Affairs Officer
Memorial University of Newfoundland
The Glenn Roy Blundon Centre
Thomson Student Centre
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Elizabeth Avenue
St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 5S7
Tel: 709-737-2156 (Voice and TTY)
Web site:
Additional Resources
Blundon Centre Home Page:
Financial Aid For Students with Disabilities: