Financial Aid Directory
York University - Toronto, Ontario
Conrad Bursary I (2)
Applicants must have financial need and have demonstrated an extracurricular commitment to improving the life of students with disabilities at York. Applicants must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents as well as Ontario residents. This award was established to honour the memory of David J. Conrad. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $500
CIBC Access Awards
CIBC has created the CIBC Access Awards to recognize persons with disabilities who are currently enrolled in the MBA program. Eligible students may be registered with the York University Office for Persons with Disabilities, or indicate that they have a disability that meets the criteria. Both academic achievement (overall grade point average) and financial need will be considered in the selection process.
Value: $2,000 (full-time student) or $600 (part-time student) For further application information visit Student Services & International Relations, 2nd floor, Schulich School of Business.
Value: $2000
Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons Bursary (5)
This award has been established by the Canadian Foundation for Physically Disabled Persons to provide five annual bursaries to deserving York University students with a physical disability. Applicants must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents, be Ontario residents, and demonstrate financial need. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $500
Edith A. Horsley Bursary
Awarded to an undergraduate student who has a chronic physical disability and requires financial aid to continue their studies at York. The award honours the memory of Edith A. Horsley, who had particular admiration for those who, although restricted by disabilities, strive to complete their education and consequently improve their lifestyle. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $500
Murray Davis Bursary
The Murray Davis Bursary will be awarded annually to a second year or higher level undergraduate student who holds a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0, provides documentation regarding a psychiatric disability either from a professional in the community or from a disability service provider on campus and who demonstrates financial need. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $1000
Russell Nelles Starr, Q.C. Memorial Award
The net income from this fund will be awarded annually to up to two students in first or second year at the Osgoode Hall Law School who demonstrate financial need, with preference being given students with a disability or students achieving high academic standing in civil procedure, or both. The funds for this award were matched by the Ontario Government and accordingly are only available to Canadian citizens/permanent residents who are residents of Ontario. The Russell Nelles Starr, Q.C. Memorial Award was established in 2000 through the estate of his wife Catherine Margaret Starr. A graduate of Osgoode Hall in 1934, the late R. Nelles Starr, Q.C. was a vigorous and skilled lawyer. Through this generous benefaction, Starr's contribution to the legal profession is honoured in perpetuity. For further information regarding this award, please go to Osgoode's website at, select "Bachelor of Laws" then go to the "Financial" section. Alternatively, send an e-mail message to
Social Justice Bursary
This award was established to assist students who are currently or at one time were wards of the crown and who are studying at York University. To qualify for this award, a student must be or have been a ward in the care of the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto or the Children's Aid Society of Toronto for a minimum of one year. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents, Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. In addition, students must be enrolled in at least a 60% course load (9 credits per term) or if a student has a permanent disability they must be enrolled in at least a 40% course load (6 credits per term). This award is open to students from all undergraduate Faculties but preference will be given to McLaughlin College students. Further information regarding this award may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Master, 226 McLaughlin College, (416) 736-5128.
Value: $1150
The Ethel Armstrong Awards - Students with a Physical Disability
Awarded to one or more students with a physical disability showing financial need and strong academic standing. Preference will be given to students enrolled in a major or minor in Women's Studies in second-, third-, or fourth-year; a Master's Program; or a Doctoral Program. If no student enrolled in a Women's Studies program qualifies, the bursary may be awarded to a student with physical disability in another area of study. Preference will be given in all instances to female students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, be Canadian citizens/permanent residents and be Ontario residents. Further information regarding this award may be obtained on the Web at or by contacting the School of Women's Studies, S711 Ross, (416) 650-8144.
The Glenn Thompson Bursary
Awarded to a student with a psychiatric disability entering or enrolled in a Masters of Social Work program in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies (full-time) who demonstrates financial need. If there are no candidates enrolled in the Masters of Social Work program who have a psychiatric disability, the award will be given to a student with a psychiatric disability entering or enrolled in a Bachelor of Social Work program in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies (full-time) who demonstrates financial need. This award has been established in honour of Glenn Thompson, who served as the Executive Director of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, from 1991 to 2000. An Atkinson bursary application form is required to be eligible for this award. A student applying for The Glenn Thompson Bursary will be required to (a) produce written diagnosis from a currently registered medical doctor or psychiatrist that has been signed no more that 12 months from the date of the award application, (b) sign the Atkinson Counselling Centre's (the "Centre") standard release form which permits the Centre to submit their name to Atkinson's faculty council for the purpose of selecting the bursary recipient and (c) complete an Atkinson bursary form. Students should contact Atkinson College for more information.
Value: $750
The Law Society Education Equity Awards (2)
Each year, two students at Osgoode Hall Law School will be selected to receive these awards. To be eligible, a student must be either a member of a visible minority group, an Aboriginal person or a person with a disability; be enrolled in either the second or third year LLB program; and be in good academic standing. These awards will be made primarily on the basis of financial need with due consideration being given to academic achievement and/or devotion and commitment to community and/or university life. For further information regarding this award, please go to Osgoode's website at, select "Bachelor of Laws" then go to the "Financial" section. Alternatively, send an e-mail message to
Value: Variable
University Women's Club North York Bursary (Disabled) (2)
Awarded to two female students with a disability who demonstrate financial need. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $400
Awarded to a York student with a physical disability who is in financial need. This bursary is in memory of Vera Morris. Although she had to cope with arthritis from her earliest youth, the last thing anyone might have called Vera Morris was 'handicapped'. Throughout her life she was active and interested in everything and everyone around her. Born in 1911 in Winnipeg, Vera led an exceptionally full and active life. She was a nursery school teacher, mother, freelance writer, a politically active crusader and fervent nationalist. At 60, she began a new career as a travel agent and took advantage of her position to pursue her love for travel, taking trips to the Caribbean, Europe and Asia, including Hong Kong on two canes. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $190
Access York Award I (2)
The Access York Award has been established to assist students with disabilities who are experiencing financial difficulty. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.0 (C+), be Canadian citizens/permanent residents, be Ontario residents and demonstrate financial need. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $500
Harry Rowe Bursary I
The Harry Rowe Bursary is open to all meritorious Faculty of Fine Arts students facing acute financial hardship and is intended to enable them to continue their studies. Priority consideration will be given to the needs of students with disabilities and students from groups that have been historically disadvantaged because of race, colour, ancestry and/or ethnic origin. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents as well as Ontario residents. Further information may be obtained by contact the Faculty of Fine Arts, 201 Joan & Martin Goldfarb Centre for Fine Arts, (416) 736-2100 extension 20033.
Value: $1000
Learning Disabilities Association of North York Bursary
This bursary was donated by the Learning Disabilities Association of North York to assist students with learning disabilities who are in financial need. An application may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square or the Learning Disabilities Program, 145 Behavioural Sciences Building.
Value: $300
Ontario Power Generation Award Program: University Engineering Award
Awarded to a student who has completed at least one year (30 credits) of study with a minimum grade point average of 6.0 (B) and is currently enrolled in their second year of one of the following programs: engineering, computer science, information technology, environmental science or environmental studies. Applicants must have demonstrated leadership skills, strong oral and written communication skills, and have participated in extra-curricular activities. Student must be legally eligible to work in Canada upon graduation; and must also be a member of one or more of the employment equity target groups - women, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, and visible minorities. Student must not be receiving more than one other award of equal or greater
Value in their second year of study. An application form is available during the fall/winter session on the Web at
Value: $2400
Shirley Halevy Award I
This award was established to assist students with physical disabilities who are in financial need. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative average of B (6.0), be Canadian citizens/permanent residents as well as Ontario residents. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $5600
The Dusk Family Bursary
Awarded to a student with physical disabilities. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of B (6.0), be Canadian citizens/permanent residents, be Ontario residents, and demonstrate financial need. In her position as Assistant Vice-President Student Affairs, Cora Dusk has established a commitment to the quality of student life. Her goal is that all students have equal opportunity to participate fully at the University and receive their degree. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $850
The Sheldon Levy Award I
Awarded to undergraduate and graduate students with disabilities who demonstrate financial need. Recipients must be Canadian citizens/permanent residents as well as Ontario residents. The Sheldon Levy Award is named in honour of a longstanding citizen of York, who studied and worked at the University for over 25 years. Sheldon Levy received his BSc (Honours, First Class) and MA degrees from York University, and lectured in Mathematics and Computer Science. He served the University in a succession of academic and administrative posts culminating in Vice-President (Institutional Affairs), through which he become known for his advocacy and administrative expertise. He spoke out about the need to make university education a public priority, and never wavered from his commitment to academic quality, equity and accountability. He was the recipient of the Class-Builders Award for his keen interest in high school recruitment and student issues, and was a staunch supporter of students with disabilities. Application forms may be obtained from the Office for Persons with Disabilities, 109 Central Square, and from other York University disability service providers. Deadline for submission of applications is in mid-January of each year.
Value: $1250
Karen Swartz
Office For Students With Disabilities
York University
4700 Keele Street
109 Central Square
North York, Ontario M3J 1P3
Tel: 416-736-5140
TTY: 416-736-5263
Student Financial Services
Student Services Building, Suite N201
York University
4700 Keele St
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Tel: 416-872-YORK
Fax: 416-736-5386
Additional Resources
Office of Student Financial Services:
Disability Services Home Page: