High School Transition
Funding and Scholarship Programs
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Peter Bowen
This award distributes one or two $500 scholarships annually to students with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephalus living in Northern Alberta. Applicants must be Canadian citizens for at least two years previous to applying, have a home address in Red Deer or north of that city, and be accepted into a post-secondary program.
Applications are due by August 31, and must include a letter of reference from a teacher or administrator, an official of Alberta Education, a recent post-secondary transcript, and a letter from the applicant stating their eligibility, community involvement and plans for the future.
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta
Scholarship Committee
5R20 11111 Jasper Ave.
Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 0I4
Tel: (780) 482-8281
Fax: (780) 482-8964
Email: sbhana@telusplanet.net