High School Transition
Additional Resources
The following is a list of books, Web sites and other documents, which may provide additional tips and ideas on how to ease your transition from high school to post-secondary education. These are materials we either came across or used over the course of our research for this guidebook, or those that have been referred to us by others. Some of the resources here are accompanied by brief notes, discussing how the document may help you in your transition. Others we have not had the chance to personally review, but have included for your reference.
A wealth of other resources can be found by searching on the Internet, or by contacting your local disability organizations or service providers.
Dowdy, Esmond and Osborne, Ann. (2000). Keys to Success: Strategies for Managing University Study with a Psychiatric Disability. www.unisa.edu.au/eqo/pubs/uniability/keys.pdf.
Gajar, Anna. Secondary schools and beyond: transition of individuals with mild disabilities. (1993). Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan.
Kaufman, Miriam. (1995). Easy for You to Say: Q & A’s for teens living with chronic illness or disability. Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books.
Mannix, Darlene. (1995). Life skills for secondary students with special needs. West Nyack, NY: The Center for Applied Research in Education.
Scheiber, Barbara, and Talpers, Jeanne. (1987). Unlocking Potential: College and other choices for learning disabled people, a step-by-step guide. Bethesda, Maryland: Adler & Adler.
A Family Affair: Preparing Parents and Students with Learning Disabilities for Post-Secondary Education. (1998). Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.
College and the High School Student with Learning Disabilities: The Student’s Perspective. Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario.
National Directory of Financial Assistance Programs. (2000). National Educational Association of Disabled Students.
On My Own: A Resource Guide for Living Independently. (2000). Canadian Abilities Foundation.
Together for Success: A Road Map for Post-Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities. (1994). Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.
Transition from School to Work: Career Choices For Youth With Disabilities. (1997). National Educational Association of Disabled Students.
Working Towards a Coordinated National Approach to Services, Accommodations and Policies for Post-Secondary Students With Disabilities. (1999). National Educational Association of Disabled Students.
Youth Link. (Fifth Edition, 2001). Government of Canada. This annual guide, produced by the federal government, provides student loan, scholarship and bursary information, job search tools, internship opportunities, and much more. A valuable tool for all students. Youth Link can be viewed by visiting www.youth.gc.ca/youthlink/ythlink_e.shtml Or obtain a copy in print or alternative formats by contacting: Human Resources Development Canada, Public Enquiries Centre, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0J9, Toll-free: 1-800-935-5555
Internet Resources
www.enablelink.org – This Web site includes the online version of Abilities Magazine, as well as an extensive database of information, articles and opportunities for people with disabilities, relating to education, employment, recreation, transportation and many other topics. The site also has related links, and contact information for government councils on disability and other relevant organizations.
http://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/~ability/future_transition.html – This online document, produced by the University of Toronto – Scarborough’s AccessAbility Services, discusses what students with disabilities should do before entering post-secondary school and during their first year, to ease their transition from high school.
www.studentawards.com – This Web site provides access to a very extensive database of scholarships and bursaries offered by public and private sector organizations, as well as post-secondary institutions themselves. During the site’s registration process, students are asked to provide certain criteria, which will be used to determine the awards that best suit individual students’ needs and qualifications. Each student is given their own mailbox on the site, where new and relevant funding opportunities are kept for private viewing.
In partnership with NEADS, the Adaptech Research Project, which is based at Dawson College in Montreal conducts research on the use of computer technologies by Canadian college and university students with disabilities. Adaptech’s aim is to provide resources and to advocate for full access to technology in education for these students. It maintains a bilingual website at www.adaptech.org and can be reached by e-mail at adaptech@dawsoncollege.qc.ca