High School Transition
Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities
The Independence Program (TIP)
This program has been offered for more than 10 years through a partnership between Bloorview Kids Rehab and West Park Healthcare Centre. It is designed to teach students the skills needed for day-to-day independent living within the community.
Student participants spend 20 days in the summer attending sessions and living at a university residence. Sessions include topics such as city survival, street smarts and attendant services. Practical activities such as grocery shopping, cooking, laundry and banking are also held over the course of the program, as are dinner outings and city tours.
Applicants must be between 17 and 21 years old and have a physical disability. They must be willing to work on independence-related goals, and be able to identify personal care needs. Lastly, they must be making the transition to post-secondary education, employment or an independent living opportunity. Program dates are set yearly, as are fees, which run to a maximum of $600 for program costs, living expenses and food. For more information contact:
Kimberlea Jones-Galley
Toll Free: 1 (800) 363-2440 ext. 3645
Tel: (416) 425-6220 ext. 3645